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David A. DiBrigida

NJ Workers Compensation Lawyer

Workers’ compensation practice represents injured workers suffering from work-related injuries, diseases, traumatic accidents, repetitive motion injuries, and injuries caused by toxic substances. 

Workers’ compensation insurance covers many employees in most states. It provides certain benefits if an occupational disease or an on-the-job accident occurs. Our worker’s compensation lawyers will help you apply for benefits or appeal a denied claim. If the lawyers feel you do not receive all the benefits you deserve or are committing fraud, they will consult with you.

Workers Compensation in New Jersey

NJ Workers Compensation Lawyer

Our Personal Injury lawyers fight for their clients to recover the benefits they deserve. To help families of the victim get cash settlements for injury and medical expenses, our personal injury lawyers will use their experience in representing clients in workers’ compensation matters to do thorough assessment and preparation. 

Sometimes going to trial is the only option of achieving positive outcomes. However, our lawyers can obtain favorable settlements out of the courtroom in many cases. Obtaining favorable settlements without going to trial will make the experience less stressful for our clients. 

Medical Benefits 

You can get an insurance company to renovate the house of an injured worker by obtaining a court order. For workers exposed to asbestos, we arrange lifetime follow-up testing. For our clients moving out of state, we arrange physicians. 

Temporary Disability Benefits

If the injured worker is denied light duty, even if a physician prescribes it, we can help obtain temporary disability benefits. If the worker gets injured on a part-time job, we collect disability benefits for both part-time and full-time employment. 

For school teachers in summer, we obtain temporary disability benefits. 

Permanent Disability Benefits

For victims of sexual harassment, we obtain an award of permanent total disability benefits. If repetitive stress at work causes a heart attack or injuries to the hands, we collect lasting disability benefits.

Death Benefits

If your significant other dies of a heart attack on a business trip or commits suicide due to uncontrollable pain from a work injury, we obtain benefits for the widower. If the husband dies of a heart condition due to exposure to Freon gas, we receive benefits for the widow. 

Social Security Disability

For clinical depression, we obtain a fully favorable decision of benefits. For traumatic brain injuries, we collect a fully favorable decision. 

We obtain a fully favorable decision for the compassionate care allowances, complex regional pain syndrome, or stress to hands causes injuries.

Public Employee Disability Pension Benefits

If a corrections officer does not suffer a physical injury, but rather suffers a psychiatric injury on the job in New Jersey, we obtain accident disability benefits for the officer. 

If dogs viciously attack an animal control officer, we obtain accidental disability benefits for the officer. 

If a teacher suffers from a traumatic brain injury and has a prior history, we obtain accidental disability benefits for the teacher.

We Serve the Following Injured Workers in New Jersey 

  • Hospitality Workers 
  • Healthcare and Institutional Workers 
  • Corrections Officers
  • Firefighters 
  • Police 
  • Bank employees
  • Plumbers
  • Laborers
  • Phone Company Workers
  • Carpenters
  • Iron Workers
  • Electricians
  • Chemical Workers
  • Glaziers
  • Meat Workers
  • Office workers
  • Truckers
  • Livery Workers
  • Warehouse and Delivery Persons
  • Transportation Workers

Call New Jersey Workers Compensation Attorney, David A. DiBrigida

Clients who urgently need a workplace accident attorney turn to David A. DiBrigida. For years we have been working tirelessly to protect the rights of our clients and consistently providing sound legal advice to gain your trust. 

Our philosophy helps us to build and maintain good relationships with our clients because we put the law to work for our people.

It doesn’t matter how good an attorney is if they don’t pay close attention to the wants & needs of the client.

We want to make sure that each of our clients is as happy with the experience they have with our firm as they are with the ultimate result in his or her case.