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David A. DiBrigida

Truck Accident Lawyer Newark, NJ

truck accident lawyer Newark, NJ

Seeking Compensation After A Truck Accident

If you or a loved one have suffered from an accident involving a semi-truck, our Newark, NJ truck accident lawyer is here to assist you. Truck accidents can be particularly devastating accidents due to the disproportionate forces involved, and the aftermath of the accidents can be costly and difficult. Our experienced truck accident lawyer is here to help you navigate the legal system in pursuit of justice and financial compensation so that you can pursue your physical and mental recovery to the fullest extent possible. 

We know how painful an accident can be, and we will fight hard to protect your rights and help you recover from this accident. To discuss your case with our truck accident lawyer, contact the Law Offices of David A. DiBrigida today to schedule a consultation.

The Role Of Your Truck Accident Lawyer

Our dedicated Newark truck accident attorney is here to assist you through every step of your recovery, from an initial consultation until the conclusion of your case. One important facet of our representation is determining and proving liability in the at-fault party. Our truck accident lawyer will investigate your accident and compile evidence in order to prove that the accident was the cause of another party’s negligent or reckless actions. 

Oftentimes, the negligent party is the truck driver themselves, but in some cases the trucking company or manufacturer may also be found liable. If the accident was caused by distracted, drunk, or reckless driving, the truck driver may be found liable. If unsafe business practices, incomplete training, or negligent hiring practices contributed to the accident, then the trucking company may be found liable. A cargo loader or truck manufacturer could be liable if unsecured cargo or a faulty or broken truck led to the accident. Furthermore, a government entity could be found responsible for your accident if unsafe road conditions contributed to the accident. With accidents as complicated as truck accidents and so many potential sources of liability, receiving the assistance of our dedicated truck accident lawyer is the best way to ensure that all liable parties are held accountable for your accident. 

Recovering Compensation For Your Injuries

Our New Jersey truck accident lawyer will also help ensure that you are pursuing the full extent of compensation possible for your case. The exact amount of compensation will vary from case to case, but payment for losses such as medical bills, rehabilitation and therapy, property damage, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more can often be recovered by truck accident victims. To determine how much compensation you might be able to recover, contact our truck accident lawyer today.

Legal Representation That Cares

Our team knows how difficult the aftermath of a truck accident can be from a physical, financial, and mental standpoint. We strive to provide dedicated, compassionate, and comprehensive service and assistance to all of our clients, including providing free transportation to those that are without a vehicle and need a ride to our office. Do not hesitate to seek our assistance today. Contact the Law Offices of David A. DiBrigida and take an important step on your path to recovery after a truck accident.

It doesn’t matter how good an attorney is if they don’t pay close attention to the wants & needs of the client.

We want to make sure that each of our clients is as happy with the experience they have with our firm as they are with the ultimate result in his or her case.

Contact Us Today!

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